
The realization of an Excellent and Dignified Research Study Program in the Field of Public Administration in Indonesia by 2035.


Improvement of preparation and improvement of internal quality of Public Administration Study Program (PSAP) Master Program (S2) FISIP Universitas Riau such as improving secretarial administration. Curriculum improvement, compiling organizational structure and relationship between PSMAP, PPs and Faculties, to realize independence of PSAP Master Program (S2) FISIP UNRI.

Improving the quality of teaching staff by participating in seminars and workshops on compiling national and international journals and increasing knowledge of teaching staff (1 semester 1 person).

Improving educational support facilities in the learning process such as: Adding book titles, electronic media. Designed every semester to add a minimum of 800 book titles. The library will be equipped with internet and website as well as free access to national and international e-books and e-journals.

Cooperating with various parties, such as increasing cooperation with local government agencies, leading universities in Indonesia and abroad. This effort in addition to making professional educators and increasing output (alumni) that is in accordance with local needs and making alumni professional in their fields.

Improving the quality of educational personnel by conducting staff mobility (education and training / training) to provide excellent public services.